
The efforts of those who have inspired and worked towards the realization of an 'International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication' in a small country like Greece, were completely justified by the success of the event with the theme 'history, theory and education' that took place in Thessaloniki in June 2002.

It's high time we looked at our 2nd ICTVC. Again, the UOM will host and its governing bodies will support the conference, which is jointly organized by the UOMPress and AlterVision, typography and visual communication Ltd. Speeches, workshops, and round tables will be attended, and exhibitions and happenings will be visited by hundreds of people from the 24th till the 29th of June 2004 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This time the conference is concerned with 'Communication and New Technologies' and here are some of the topics, which will be discussed:

  • history of new technologies, and their impact on communication
  • new technologies and education
  • how technologies arise, develop, and impact our lives
  • electronic information design 
  • influences of media technologies on learning 
  • human computer interaction
  • computer-mediated communication
  • important interactions between design, communication and information technologies 
  • the aesthetics and impact of new media 
  • new print technologies and their impact on design and communication
This year's ICTVC aim is to cover as many aspects related to the communication and new technologies areas as possible, bringing people from various countries and studying fields together.

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