
The exhibitions/events fields will be continuously updated as the conference date approaches

• May Roosevelt | July 2016
Musical performance
Thu 7 Jul | 20.30


May Roosevelt, is a Greek composer, producer and thereminist. Born and raised in Thessaloniki, May Roosevelt took to violin lessons at the age of twelve. Nine years later her violin was replaced by the theremin, one of the earliest electronic musical instruments. She began performing with various bands in Greece and also recording her own music using theremin, synthesizers and electronic beats. In 2009 she released her debut EP 'Panda, a story about love and fear', followed by her self released album 'Haunted' in 2011. In April 2013, she released her third album, 'Music to the poetry of Ntinos Christianopoulos'. Influenced by artists like The Residents, Massive attack, Bach, Bjork and Clara Rockmore but also from Greek traditional music and Byzantine chants, May Roosevelt's electronica has been characterized as haunting, dramatic and mysterious.




• Stergios Delialis, Designer, 1960–2015 | 55 Years Graphics, Spaces, Objects, and a Design Museum | July 2016
6th ICTVC Main exhibition
Fri 8 Jul - Fri 15 Jul
Warehouse B1, Thessaloniki port


About the exhibition / TV100


Αn old but interesting link:

Macedonian Madness


• Screening | Konstantinos Kambouroglou, "How to steal a chair"
Fri 8 Jul | 18.45
Cinema Makedonikon

The 6th ICTVC participants will be able to watch excerpts from Konstantinos Kambouroglou's upcoming documentary film about Stergios Delialis and design but also join the director in a Q&A session.


• Sciphabet | Viktor Koen
Fri 17 Jun - Sun 10 Jul
Les Yper Yper



Viktor Koen is an award-winning artist, designer and educator born in Thessaloniki, Greece. He holds a BFA from the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design in Jerusalem and an MFA with honors from the School of Visual Arts in NYC and serves on the faculty of the MFA Illustration and BFA Graphic Design departments at SVA. Koen is a regular contributor to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal and his client list includes Penguin Books, Random House, Doubleday, Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins, Rizzoli, Houghton Mifflin, Time, Newsweek, Esquire, The Economist, The Atlantic, National Geographic, Rolling Stone, Wired, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, Money, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Nature, Scientific American, Golf Digest, The Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, LATimes, Atlantic Records, Roadrunner Records, Virgin and the BBC.


Koen’s posters and prints are exhibited in galleries and museums in the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia and are part of private and institutional collections. His work is consistently featured in books and publications worldwide, and his distinctions include the Communication Arts Award of Excellence, Graphis Gold Awards, First Prize Digital Hall of Fame, and Folio Gold Awards.



• Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Graphic Arts & Design, TEI of Athens | Discussing priorities, Developing a field
Tue 5 Jul - Sun 10 Jul



The Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Graphic Arts & Design, TEI of Athens, in collaboration with the 6th ICTVC organise a poster exhibition with the conference theme "Discussing priorities | Developing a field".

• Two Pages project
Mon 4 Jul - Sun 10 Jul


Two Pages is a series of sketchbooks shared by artists, illustrators and designers around the world. The sketchbooks build a chain of creatives who inhabit the same city or place. Each sketchbook holds a different theme allowing each author to generate spontaneous, raw and responsive mark making.
Two Pages is centred around the recording, spreading and exchanging of ideas which takes place throughout the hand-to-hand journey of each book. The handmade marks are intricately linked to the place from which they came, both on a local and global scale.
The project has been graced by over 300 international artists, designers and illustrators including Jean Jullien, Olimpia Zagnoli, Bendita Gloria, Ping Zhu, Ordinary people to name but a few. The sketchbooks have travelled a number of cities such as London, Barcelona, Berlin, New York, Paris, Seoul, Stockholm, Athens and more.

Two Pages is designed and co-ordinated by Konstantinos Trichas (


The exhibition will be staged at Tabya

• Living Language | a biodesign project by Ori Elisar
Tue 5 Jul - Sun 10 Jul

Ori Elisar will present and talk about his 'biodesign' project titled Living Language.

An ink, created by growing Paenibacillus bacteria on petri dishes, allowing the interactions between nature and culture to be revealed.
This ongoing project also explores the developing states of the Hebrew language and the Hebrew character. Using my experiments and research results, I am exploring nature, culture, character and language with new theories.



• GRANSHAN type design exhibition
Tue 5 Jul - Sun 10 Jul
To Pikap


GRANSHAN exhibition at To Pikap within the framework of the 6th ICTVC.
You may find more info about Granshan 2016 at:

• Embracing the Unknown | Andreas Tomblin
Tue 5 Jul - Sun 10 Jul | Conference hours

When you encounter the unknown, something that is alien to one’s routine every day existence you are given the tools to perceive the world as if through a child’s eyes. Embracing these new experiences and reacting to them without placing rules or preconceived conventions upon them leads to creativity and unexpected outcomes.

The very fabric of this method of working when applied to visually communicating the most mundane of subjects, results in unrestricted, intuitive decision making and cross pollination of visual ideas.

Tomblin’s work is part of a larger body of work that can be seen as a visual journey through the streets of Beijing which took place during a recent stay in China. Here we can see the influence of Chinese characters being explored through imagery. The original function of the characters however is overlooked and instead relationships between form, structure, and movement are explored and communicate a different visual language while still retaining a cultural link with the original source.


Andreas Tomblin

Born in England and of English and Greek-Cypriot descent, Tomblin now lives in Nicosia, Cyprus. A noted painter and Assistant Professor at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, his art has received international exposure in Juried and invited exhibitions and in public and private collections worldwide including UK, USA, Cyprus, China, Belarus, Finland, Romania, Lebanon, Italy, Albania and Egypt.




• Sofia Tsalidou | Human Feelings
Video / Installation
Tue 5 Jul - Sun 10 Jul | Conference hours
HELEXPO, N. Germanos


Bασικό χαρακτηριστικό του έργου είναι η κινούμενη τυπογραφία (kinetic typography). Η τυπογραφία είναι βασικό συστατικό της γραφιστικής δημιουργίας και, επειδή είναι ένα μέσο αφήγησης, αποτελεί το κλειδί για να επικοινωνήσει κάποιος ένα μήνυμα. Το κείμενο που εμφανίζεται στο βίντεο είναι προσωπικές θέσεις απέναντι στα ανθρώπινα συναισθήματα. Τι σημαίνουν, πως δρουν και παρεισφρέουν στην ανθρώπινη καθημερινότητα, καθώς και κατά πόσο είναι ικανά να επηρεάσουν την τόσο ισχυρή ανθρώπινη φύση. Ο θεατής καλείται να δώσει απαντήσεις καθώς το βίντεο αυτό καθαυτό απλώς δημιουργεί ανησυχίες και θέτει ερωτήματα. Κυρίαρχη θέση στη δομή του βίντεο αποτελεί το λεκτικό στοιχείο και η κινούμενη τυπογραφία είναι η τεχνική προέκτασή του. Η εικαστική προσέγγιση έρχεται να πλαισιώσει το κείμενο μέσω μιας καλλιτεχνικής οπτικοακουστικής παρέμβασης.

Τα συναισθήματα αποτέλεσαν την κινητήρια δύναμη για πολλές δράσεις. Η αγάπη, το μίσος, η ζήλεια ή η θλίψη αποτέλεσαν αιτίες πολέμων, τη φιλοτέχνηση εικαστικών έργων και τη συγγραφή μερικών από τα μεγαλύτερα αριστουργήματα. Με λίγα λόγια, δημιουργήθηκαν πολιτισμοί και ιστορία. Έτσι, λοιπόν, θέλησα να δώσω τους δικούς μου ορισμούς και την προσωπική οπτική μου για κάτι μη ορατό, αλλά ταυτοχρόνως τόσο ισχυρό.

Σε ολόκληρο το βίντεο συναντώνται τρία βασικά σχεδιαστικά χαρακτηριστικά: σχήματα, υφές και φωτογραφικό υλικό. Αρχικά, η γραμμή και το τρίγωνο. Οι Πυθαγόρειοι λέγεται πως είχαν για ιερό αριθμό το 10. Το 10 προέρχεται από το άθροισμα των αριθμών 1, 2, 3 και 4. Κάθε αριθμός ορίζει την ποσότητα ενός σημείου. Το 1 συμβολίζει το ένα σημείο, το 2 δύο σημεία (άρα την ευθεία), το 3 δίνει το επίπεδο και το 4 τις διαστάσεις. Επομένως, επέρχεται η μαθηματική δημιουργία του κόσμου. Σύμφωνα με τους Πυθαγόρειους το τρίγωνο συμβόλιζε την ψυχή. Η γραμμή και το τρίγωνο, λοιπόν, δρουν συμβολικά στο έργο αυτό αποδίδοντας τη “δημιουργία των συναισθημάτων”.

Έπειτα, οι υφές και οι ματιέρες αποτελούν το συνειρμικό δομικό υλικό. Αποδίδουν τον ψυχισμό και τη νωχελικότητα των συναισθημάτων. Το άπιαστο και το απατηλό, το άυλο και το ιδανικό. Το αίσθημα για συνεχή αναζήτηση και ζωή, το πάθος που όλοι κρύβουμε βαθιά μέσα μας. Είναι η αίσθηση πριν την αφή, η γεύση που σου αφήνει μια εικόνα.

Τέλος, το φωτογραφικό υλικό συμβολίζει το πραγματικό, το αποτέλεσμα αυτού του συνονθυλεύματος συναισθημάτων στον έξω κόσμο. Υποδεικνύει το ολόγραμμα ενός ανύπαρκτου κόσμου μέσα στο χαώδες σύμπαν της υλικής βιωσιμότητας.

Η έργο αυτό αποτελεί κόμβο συνάντησης της αίσθησης με την τεχνική της απόδοση.

• The 6th ICTVC closing event: TypeTogether / 10th Anniversary "PartyTogether"!
Closing event
Sat 9 Jul | 20.30


TypeTogether | 6th ICTVC Silver sponsor

Tue 16 Feb
• Typography as an Act of Art Ι A State Museum of Contemporary Art Exhibition
Tue 5 Apr - Sat 9 Jul
Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art


Exhibition curated by Maria Tsantsanoglou – Syrago Tsiara

6th ICTVC AGON | 22 FEB 2016 // RESULTS
Wed 5 Jun

According to the "AGON" judging committee the following students receive a 6th ICTVC free pass:


1) Hector Pahaut, Graphic Design BA student
AKV | St. Joost in Breda, the Netherlands

2026... What will graphic design look like?


2) Ana Zibelnik, Graphic Design

Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana

A day in your life without typography


3) Marija Tereza Prepadnik, Graphic Design

Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana

A day in your life without typography


4) Nikoleta Pannagoulakou
Τμήμα Γραφιστικής Εντύπου και Ηλεκτρονικών Μέσων
Δημόσιο ΙΕΚ Νεάπολης Θεσσαλονίκης

Μια μέρα στη ζωή σας χωρίς τυπογραφία


5) Panagiota Prokopiou

Τμήμα Γραφιστικής ΤΕΙ Αθήνας

Μια μέρα στη ζωή σας χωρίς τυπογραφία

6th ICTVC AGON | 15/01/–16/02/2016 // NOW CLOSED
Contest for design students
Fri 15 Jan - Tue 16 Feb

The names of the 10 winners will be announced on
22 February 2016 on the ICTVC website


Write a short text (no more than 300 words in either Greek or English) on either of the two topics and win a 5-day free pass to the 6th ICTVC, the main conference, workshops, events and exhibitions as well as a certificate of attendance.


information pdf

For further information on the ICTVC conferences, please contact:

Klimis Mastoridis

ICTVC General Secretary

University of Nicosia, Cyprus


Gerry Leonidas

ICTVC Scientific & Organising Committee

University of Reading, UK


Karel van der Waarde

ICTVC Scientific & Organising Committee

Graphic Design – Research; Basle School of Design






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