
Welcome Cocktail | THURSDAY 17 JUNE, 19.30
Thu 17 Jun | 19.30
Open Amphitheatre, University of Nicosia

The graphic language of the Thessaloniki Design Museum | Stergios Delialis
Sat 5 Jun - Wed 23 Jun
Famagusta Gate

Athina Avenue

Nicosia, Nicosia 1017, Cyprus

Monday to Friday 10.00-13.00 and 17.00-20.00


Visit to the ICTVC design exhibition and talk by Stergios Delialis
on Friday 18 June at 19.30.



Πύλη Αμμοχώστου

Toyphabet & Foodphabet | an exhibition by Viktor Koen
Sat 5 Jun - Wed 23 Jun
Famagusta Gate

Athina Avenue

Nicosia, Nicosia 1017, Cyprus

Monday to Friday 10.00-13.00 and 17.00-20.00


Visit to the ICTVC design exhibition and talk by Stergios Delialis
on Friday 18 June at 19.30.

TOYPHABET prints have been exhibited extensively as part of the series Dark Peculiar Toys, around the world, including Berlin, Athens and Beijing. This illustrated typeface is included in numerous books about typography, digital art and fantasy and has been featured in a full length article by Steven Heller in the prestigious Baseline magazine. The letters have been available in book form, featuring texts by author and long time collaborator Jeffrey Lee Simons. Toyphabet will be exhibited together with Foodphabet, the new alphabet created by Koen, for the first time in Cyprus within the ICTVC framework.

Making Faces: A documentary on cutting metal type | Richard Kegler
Screening + Q&A session
Sat 19 Jun | 19.00-20.00
University of Nicosia Cine Studio

For more information about the 4th ICTVC you may contact:

Dr Klimis Mastoridis

Department of Design & Multimedia
University of Nicosia, Cyprus

T +357 22 354.257

Gerry Leonidas

ICTVC Scientific & Organizing Committee Member

Department of Typography & Graphic Communication

University of Reading, UK

T +44 118 378 6397

Anna Kiriakidou

ICTVC Organizing Committee Member
Typographic Designer, Greece

T +30 6970 578.750

Contact hours: 14.00-19.00 (CET)