
The Department of Design and Multimedia of the University of Nicosia runs high quality BA degree courses in the fields of Graphic Communication and Multimedia Design.

It is a dynamic and forward thinking department committed to the education of thoughtful and responsible designers for the new era.
The programmes of our Department will give students the analytical, creative and technical skills necessary to respond to challenges of the modern world.
As the industry changes, we adapt our programmes to keep pace with current developments, introducing new technologies and media disciplines and re-evaluating more traditional forms.
We produce graduates of consistently high calibre, many of whom have become leaders in the creative industries in Cyprus and abroad.


The Mass Media & Communication Institute (IMME) was established in October 1999. It is a non-profit, scientific, research and academic organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus in Europe.

IMME is governed by a Board (Council), which consists of seven counselors. The Board is assisted in its work by an Honorary Council, which comprises people from the fields of education, arts and communication. It is affiliated to the University of Nicosia ( and Intercollege ( The two institutions provide IMME with space and part of its equipment but in essence, it is substantially autonomous, since most of its funds come from private and official sponsors. IMME has also very close relations with the Cyprus Association for the Arts and Communication (KYSYTE) (
The objectives of IMME, according to its constitution, are the following:
1. The setting up of archives and the writing up of books on the History of the Cypriot Press/Journalism.
2. The development of research programs in the field of communication and the production/collection of opticoacoustic material on the Cypriot mass media and journalists.
3. The publication of various books and other printed material, relevant to its objectives.
4. The introduction of Cypriot journalism awards.
5. The organization of courses or seminars addressed to Cypriot journalists or other people working in the media.
6. The organization of special events to honor Cypriot journalists.
7. The promotion of cooperation among Cypriot mass media and the people working in them and especially among the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot journalists.

alterVision | typography & visual communication

Altervision was established in 1997 by a team of people whose relationship with typography and visual communication goes fairly back in time. This relationship, bearing different characteristics for each member of the team, covered a wide range of applications and interests in the graphic communication field, from design production and publishing to academic research and lecturing.

A series of books, an experimental design journal, articles, an academic magazine about typography, involvement in typographic education, and published research about the history and the aesthetics of Greek typography, constitute part of Altervision's production. Common experience in the educational and professional arenas, the ability to compose in a creative manner different views expressed by each member, and the need to face new challenges in the graphic arts field, led to the decision to establish Altervision.
Altervision aims at further developing as many as possible areas related to its interests by organizing seminars and supporting a number of important events such as the “International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication”.

For more information about the 4th ICTVC you may contact:

Dr Klimis Mastoridis

Department of Design & Multimedia
University of Nicosia, Cyprus

T +357 22 354.257

Gerry Leonidas

ICTVC Scientific & Organizing Committee Member

Department of Typography & Graphic Communication

University of Reading, UK

T +44 118 378 6397

Anna Kiriakidou

ICTVC Organizing Committee Member
Typographic Designer, Greece

T +30 6970 578.750

Contact hours: 14.00-19.00 (CET)