
Hall 1
09:30-10:00Problems in the smooth functioning of printing offices in Cyprus in the 1940's
Andreas Sophocleous | CYPRUS
10:00-10:30On the history of the social & political poster in Greece
Dimitris Legakis | GREECE
10:30-11:00 “A letter - A Story”. The Greek alphabet through animation and interaction
Sophia Madouvalou | GREECE
Aristarchos Papadaniel | GREECE
11:00-11:30COFFEE BREAK
11:30-12:00Three directions of writing: Leftward, rightward and downward, linking Latin letters to Arabic letters with Japanese calligraphy
Antoine Abi Aad | LEBANON
12:00-12:30The current state of Armenian typefaces
Elena Papassissa | UK
12:30-13:00Adapting Arabic type to the modern world
Rana Abou Rjeily | LEBANON
13:00-14:30LUNCH BREAK
14:30-15:00Towards the survival of the type: communicative and cultural memory, the problems of forgetting and the mnemonic energies of activist typographies
Paul Wilson | UK
15:00-15:30Lost & Found; The case of Hebrew typeface design during the 1950s
Adi Stern | ISRAEL
15:30-16:00What the archives can reveal about the typefaces of Eric Gill
Sallie Morris | UK
16:00-16:30COFFEE BREAK
16:30-17:00Vernacular type (with an American accent): rewriting typographic history
Louise J.I. McWhinnie | AUSTRALIA
17:00-17:30Typography recapitulates phylogeny: Type as a record of the unknown
Benjamin Hersh | USA
17:00-19:30The design game | in the Art & Design Studios (ADS)
Petr van Blokland | HOLLAND
17:30-18:00A discipline today: looking at the definition of Typeface Design through gender issues
Julián Moncada | UK
Hall 2
09:30-10:00AlphaEU: Children playing with letters and sounds via digital alphabet books
Charalambos Vrasidas | CYPRUS
Petros Panaou | CYPRUS
Katerina Theodoridou | CYPRUS
10:00-10:30Designing in the dark
Mark Barratt | UK
10:30-11:00Explaining history: Otto and Marie Neurath and the ‘Visual History of Mankind’
Sue Walker | UK
11:00-11:30COFFEE BREAK
11:30-12:00The typography of reading: Greek alphabet books in the beginning of the 20th century
Niki Sioki | CYPRUS
12:00-12:30Designing “Ligatura” (Un opera en plays-plat): Collaboration of the past and the future
Mervi Pakaste | USA
12:30-13:00Visual communication during the Weimar Republic through the pages of the Gebrauchsgraphik magazine
George D. Matthiopoulos | GREECE
13:00-14:30LUNCH BREAK
14:30-15:00New interpretations and articulations of typographic traditions, conventions and histories: A visual study
Erin Turner | AUSTRALIA
15:00-15:30What can we learn from the disputes between designers and scientists? The fruits of collaboration
Mary Dyson | UK
Sofie Beier | DENMARK
15:30-16:00Is there a cure for graphic dementia?
Karel van der Waarde | BELGIUM
16:00-16:30COFFEE BREAK
16:30-17:00Reconsidering the obsolete: Letterpress and the handmade in the digital era
Richard Kegler | USA
17:00-19:30The design game | in the Art & Design Studios (ADS)
Petr van Blokland | HOLLAND
17:00-17:30Designing (for) a small country between Adriatic and Alps: Miljenko Licul, well-hidden Slovenian designer
Petra Cerne Oven | SLOVENIA
17:30-18:00John 1, Victor 0: a reappraisal of Baskerville’s Greek types
Gerry Leonidas | UK