6th ICTVC call for speakers
Discussing priorities | Developing a field We invite submissions for a presentation or panel discussion for the 6th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 7 to 9 July 2016. 300-word abstracts for 25-minute papers, accompanied by a brief biographical note (max 100 words), in either English or Greek to be sent to papers2016@ictvc.org. Cover letters for panels should indicate the theme and the panel’s participants. Preference will be given to proposals for fully constituted panels. All 2016 ICTVC proposals will be reviewed in November and December 2015 and responses will be sent out by the end of December 2015. Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 October 2015. |
The theme for the 2016 conference is "Discussing priorities | Developing a field". Visual communication is now an established discipline with a burgeoning professional practice, varied educational systems, critical research, national and international conferences and competitions, trade magazines, and academic journals. Across many areas, visual communication is entering a period of sustained growth and expansion. This calls for strategic decisions for directions of development, setting priorities for action, and clarifying relationships with related areas of activity.
The 6th ICTVC will take place from 5 to 9 July 2016 in Thessaloniki, Greece. A series of workshops (5 & 6 July) will precede the main conference (7 to 9 July) and the exhibitions will constitute an important part of the event. ICTVC attracts an international audience from both the academic and industrial community and has established itself as one of the premiere international gatherings in this field. Continuing the success of the past conferences, ICTVC aims to attract high quality papers in all aspects of typography and visual communication. |
For further information on the ICTVC conferences, please contact:
Klimis Mastoridis ICTVC General Secretary University of Nicosia, Cyprus mastoridis.k@unic.ac.cy https://unic.academia.edu/klimismastoridis Gerry Leonidas ICTVC Scientific & Organising Committee University of Reading, UK g.leonidas@reading.ac.uk http://leonidas.org/ Karel van der Waarde ICTVC Scientific & Organising Committee Graphic Design - Research; Basle School of Design waarde@glo.be http://graphicdesign-research.com |
For further information (in Greek) about the 2016 ICTVC, please contact:
Anna Kiriakidou ICTVC Organising Committee Greece akiriakidou@gmail.com |