6th ICTVC Scientific Committee
Michael Twyman, Professor Emeritus University of Reading, UK https://www.reading.ac.uk/typography/about/Staff_list/m-l-twyman.aspx Andreas Cl. Sophocleous, Professor Emeritus University of Nicosia, Cyprus http://www.sophocleousan.com/homepage.html Prof. Neville Brody Royal College of Art, UK http://www.rca.ac.uk/Default.aspx?ContentID=515292 http://brody-associates.com/ Prof. James Mosley University of Reading, UK http://typefoundry.blogspot.co.uk/ Dr Mary Dyson University of Reading, UK http://www.reading.ac.uk/typography/about/staff/m-c-dyson.aspx Prof. Sue Walker University of Reading, UK http://www.reading.ac.uk/typography/about/staff/s-f-walker.aspx Petr van Blokland AKV | St. Joost Breda, The Netherlands http://www.fontbureau.com/people/PetrvanBlokland/ Prof. Erik Spiekermann Honorary Professor, the University of the Arts Bremen, Germany http://spiekermann.com/en/ http://www.edenspiekermann.com/ Dr Alan Marshall Chair, Association of European printing museums http://www.aepm.eu/ Prof. Jannis Androutsopoulos University of Hamburg, Germany https://www.slm.uni-hamburg.de/germanistik/personen/medienlinguistik/androutsopoulos.html Dr Louise McWhinnie University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia http://datasearch.uts.edu.au/dab/staff/details.cfm?StaffId=2164 Dr Petra Černe Oven Affiliations: Academy of Fine Arts & Design, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia Institute of Design, Slovenia https://www.linkedin.com/in/paralaksa Prof. Maria Papadopoulou University of Thessaly, Greece http://uth.academia.edu/MariaPapadopoulou Dr Marina Emmanouil Izmir University of Economics, Turkey marinaemmanouil.wordpress.com Dr Anastasios Politis TEI of Athens, Greece politisresearch@techlink.gr Paschalis Paschalis University of Nicosia, Cyprus https://unic.academia.edu/paschalispaschalis George D. Matthiopoulos Dept of Graphic Design, TEI Athens, Greece Dr Vangelis Hatzitheodorou Dept of Graphic Design, TEI Athens, Greece vhatzith@teiath.gr Dr Niki Sioki University of Nicosia, Cyprus https://unic.academia.edu/NikiSioki Dr Karel van der Waarde Graphic Design - Research; Basle School of Design http://graphicdesign-research.com Gerry Leonidas University of Reading, UK http://leonidas.org/ Prof. Klimis Mastoridis University of Nicosia, Cyprus https://unic.academia.edu/klimismastoridis |
6th ICTVC Organising Committee
Chairman Andreas Cl. Sophocleous University of Nicosia, Cyprus Vice Chairman Stergios Delialis Director, Design Museum of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece General Secretary Klimis Mastoridis Department of Design & Multimedia, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication [ISTVC] Members Anna Kiriakidou Typographic designer, ICTVC Greece Barbara Panagiotidou Typographic design, Thessaloniki, Greece http://originalreplica.gr/ Apostolos Rizos Visual communicator, Greece Konstantinos Tenedios Paper Cap, Naoussa, Greece Sotiris Sioutzioukis Typographic designer, Kozani, Greece Kostas Kalogirou Red Creative, Thessaloniki, Greece Markos Giannopoulos Apogee Information Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece Agapi Kantartzi Creative director, ICTVC Greece http://www.behance.net/agapi Irene Vlachou Typeface designer, Athens, Greece Maria Stavride Department of Design & Multimedia, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Dr Evi Tselika Department of Design & Multimedia, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Dr Niki Sioki Department of Design & Multimedia, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Dr Karel van der Waarde Graphic Design - Research; Basle School of Design Gerry Leonidas University of Reading, UK |