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Jon Ashmann, ΗΠΑ Μιχάλης Αρφαράς, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Δημήτρης Αρβανίτης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Θάνος Αρβανίτης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Λεώνη Βιδάλη, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Neville Brody, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Petr van Blokland, ΟΛΛΑΝΔΙΑ Ειρήνη Βλάχου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Πάνος Βασιλείου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Andreu Balius, ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ Jo De Baerdemaeker, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Αρτεμις Γιάγκου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Anthony Cahalan, ΚΑΝΑΔΑΣ Joseph Coates, ΗΠΑ Dan Carr και Julia Ferrari, ΗΠΑ Mary Dyson, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Στέργιος Δελιαλής, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Simon Daniels, ΗΠΑ Κωστής Δάλλας, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Dhian Damajani, ΙΝΔΟΝΗΣΙΑ Αλέξιος Ζάβρας, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Artur Frankowski, ΠΟΛΩΝΙΑ Σπύρος Ζεβελάκης, AΓΓΛΙΑ Ευριπίδης Ζαντίδης, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Victor Gaultney, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Iva Georgieva, ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙΑ Akiem Helmling, ΟΛΛΑΝΔΙΑ Lars Harmsen, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ Naomi Haswanto, ΙΝΔΟΝΗΣΙΑ Guy Hutsebaut, ΒΕΛΓΙΟ Peter Karow, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ Richard Kegler, ΗΠΑ Αλέξανδρος Κουρής, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Νίκος Κουτσμανής, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Πέτρος Κωσταγιόλας, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Eric Kindel, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Μαριάννα Καφαρίδου, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Νατάσσα Κάλου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Pat Kahn, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Γιάννης Καρλόπουλος, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Βερονίκη Κορακίδου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Γεράσιμος Λεωνίδας, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ John Langdon, ΗΠΑ Christiana Lafazani, ΗΠΑ David Lemon, ΗΠΑ Louise McWhinnie, ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ Αγγελος Μπάκας, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Εύα Μασούρα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Χριστίνα Μπάνου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Μαρία Κανελλοπούλου-Μπότη, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Γιώργος Ματθιόπουλος, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Δημήτρης Μητσιόπουλος, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Κλήμης Μαστορίδης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Arafat Al-Naim, ΙΟΡΔΑΝΙΑ Maria Nicholas, ΗΠΑ Annette O'Sullivan, ΝΕΑ ΖΗΛΑΝΔΙΑ Sarah Owens, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Mervi Pakaste, ΗΠΑ Raquel Pelta, ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ Ασπασία Παπαδήμα, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Αναστάσιος Πολίτης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Klaudio Pap, CROATIA Ειρήνη Πιτσάκη, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Dan Reynolds, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ Ευφροσύνη Χ. Ρούπα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Nατάσσα Ραϊσάκη, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Paul Stiff, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Μανόλης Σαββίδης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Μιχαήλ Σέμογλου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ José Scaglione, ΑΡΓΕΝΤΙΝΗ David Shields, ΗΠΑ Riama Sihombing, ΙΝΔΟΝΗΣΙΑ Ιορδάνης Στυλίδης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Fred Smeijers, ΟΛΛΑΝΔΙΑ Ανδρέας Σοφοκλέους, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Andreas Stötzner, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ Alessandro Segalini, TOYΡΚΙΑ Βαγγελιώ Τζανετάτου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Χάρης Τσέβης, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Adam Twardoch, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ Keith Chi-Hang Tam, Χονγκ Κονγκ Jana Vujic, ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ Karel van der Waarde, ΒΕΛΓΙΟ Daniel Warner, ΗΠΑ Ruth Westervelt, ΗΠΑ Βαγγέλης Χατζηθεοδώρου, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Βασίλης Χαρίσης, ΑΓΓΛΙΑ Χαράλαμπος Χάιτας, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Δημήτριος Χαρίτος, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Ivana Ziljak, ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ

Raquel Pelta

Raquel Pelta is a Historian of Design holding degrees in History and Geography and Audiovisual Communication, and a PhD from the College of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. Her doctoral thesis was entitled, "Design and Graphic Design. Fifteen Years of Ideological Debate. The Anglo-Saxon Sphere."
In July 2006 Ms Pelta became the Director of Studies at the Istituto Europeo di Design Graduate School, where she also teaches History of Design. She is likewise an associate professor at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona.
She has previously taught at the Elisava Graduate Design School in Barcelona, where she was also Head of the Humanities Department, The College of Advertising at the University of Vic, the College of Legal Sciences and Communication at the University of Valladolid and the College of Advertising and Public Relations at the University College of Segovia.
From June 2001 until June 2004 she was the editor of Visual, a magazine devoted to design and communication.
She led the I and II Typography Conferences (Valencia, 2004 and 2006), has organized courses on design at Universities and other institutions and has given lectures at multiple venues, among which we can mention the University of Mayab (Merida, Mexico), the Casa de España (Buenos Aires), the University of Salamanca, the Museum of the Enlightenment and Modernity in Valencia, the Espai d'Art de Castelló, the University of Malaga, Jaume I University in Castellón, the Fundación la Caixa and Ramon Llull University in Barcelona.
She takes part on a regular basis in various publications, such as Tipográfica (Argentina), Lars, Experimenta, Artlab (Italy), Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Diseño Interior, Artegráfica, Box (Argentina) and Punto Doc (Bolivia). She has also published texts in design anthologies, exhibition catalogues and the book entitled Diseñar hoy.
She has collaborated as a researcher and consultant for exhibitions at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and has commissioned many other shows, among them: García Fonts & Co. Ten Years of Independent Typography in Spain; No Limits. Visions of Modern Design; Legendary Designers: A Tribute to Toulouse Lautrec; Posters Against War; and 100% Catalan Design.
She is a member of the ADGFAD Board of Directors (Association of Graphic Designers for the Promotion of Design and the Arts) in Barcelona, board member at the Fundación Comunicación, board member of the recently founded in Barcelona History of Design Foundation and a member of the Scientific Committee at the Design Hall at the European University, Madrid. She is likewise an associate of the Network of the History of Design in Latin America (NODAL) and of the Design History Society in London.

There is nothing outside the text. Post-structuralism and Graphic Design