In June 2007 the University of Macedonia Press, with the support of the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading (UK) and the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), in collaboration with alterVision, and with the co-operation of Redfish and the Thessaloniki Design Museum, will be hosting the 3rd International Conference on Typography and Graphic Communication with the general theme From Verbal to Graphic.
The Conference is part of a programme that has been on the cards since the end of the eighties, aiming to develop education and research in typography, as well as advance typographic practice in Greece. This effort has exceeded the modest boundaries of Greece, culminating in the two international conferences of 2002 and 2004, which put Thessaloniki on the worldwide typographic map.
The Conference is now established worldwide as a major event in the field of typographic design and production, communication, and publishing. As a headline event characterised by the high level of organisation, the quality of presentations, workshops, and exhibitions, the Conference is a focal point for professionals in design and visual communication that attracts interest on an international scale to Thessaloniki, making the city the capital of typography during the proceeedings.
In 2007 the Organising Committee seeks to exceed the expectations generated by the first two conferences. This time round the effort is supported by ATypI and the University of Reading, famous for the distinguished Department of Typography & Graphic Communication. The conference will host top-level speakers, both professionals and academics, from Greece and the international scene. Their presence guarantees the high level and success of the event, and their contribution is expected to spark debate and reflection on the developments in research, education, and practice in typography. Parallel events will include workshops, demonstrations by companies active in these fields, round-table discussions, debates, exhibitions, competitions, and promotion of new technologies in typography and visual communication.
Throughout its duration the conference will, once again, enrich the cultural life of Thessaloniki, as well as Greece, by placing them at the centre of interest for the international typography and visual communication community. Dr Klimis Mastoridis, FIP3, MISTD General Secretary, 3rd ICTVC |