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Going Digital | 23 June Company Exhibition Hellenic Alphabet Exhibitions Design Agon The ICTVC distinguished lecture series The screening of HELVETICA

Going Digital

Programme, subject to revision

On Saturday 23 June a meeting will be held within the framework of the 3rd ICTVC. The meeting will focus on the current and future trends in the printing, graphic design and communication industries.

Well-known companies such as Quark, Adobe USA, Microsoft USA and others, as well as Greek businessmen and experts from relevant fields and Institutions such as the Institute of Paper, Printing and Publishing, UK, will join the meeting in order to inform us about their new products but also to discuss the current and future trends and practices in the international market field.

Topics to be discussed include:
the business of digital communication,
digital vs conventional,
is analog really conventional?
is semi-digital a solution?
can digital apply to various markets?
does digital make money?
large format digital production,
digital design, etc.

To find out how can you
advertise your products and/or services,
be in the audience and take part in the discussions,
please contact:
The General Secretary of the Conference
Dr Klimis Mastoridis
University of Macedonia Press
156 Egnatia street,
540 06 Thessaloniki,
tel. +30 2310 891.743, 891.741
fax: +30 2310 891.731, 891.730
email: uompress@uom.gr