Warning: Missing argument 2 for getpagesandlinks() in /home/apogee-systems/public_html/modules/ictvc/grid_2.php on line 44 :: ICTVC - Programme - Events
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Going Digital | 23 June Company Exhibition Hellenic Alphabet Exhibitions Design Agon The ICTVC distinguished lecture series The screening of HELVETICA

Within the framework of the '3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication', a design competition will be held with the conference theme, ie: 'from verbal to graphic'. 

Each participant is free to submit one project. All projects must arrive by the 15th of May 2007 in order to be sorted out and displayed. Six (6) projects will be chosen by the Conference speakers and the results will be announced at the final ceremony. There are no limits in materials (paper, fabric, plastic etc) nor in tools employed (hand, pc etc). The only restriction is about size: works should not be larger than 500x700mm.

For any additional information you can contact
the Conference Organizing Committee
T +30 2310 891.743
F +30 2310 891.730
E uompress@uom.gr
W uom.gr/uompress

University of Macedonia Press
University of Macedonia 
156 Egnatia street
540 06 Thessaloniki