08:15-09:00 | REGISTRATION |
09:00-09:20 | Welcome messageThe 8th ICTVC 2022Klimis Mastoridis |
09:30-10:00 | Questioning the obvious: different ways of seeingDavid Březina | CZECHIA, Mary Dyson | UK |
10:00-10:30 | Beyond the StrokeFilip Paldia, Samuel Čarnoký | SLOVAKIA |
10:30-11:00 | Inside the letterAkiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs, Sami Kortemäki | NETHERLANDS |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 | Variable font design tradeoffsThomas Phinney | USA |
12:00-12:30 | Type design as a tool for transformation. Typecraft projectAndreu Balius | SPAIN |
12:30-13:00 | The design of the (type) design processPetr van Blokland | NETHERLANDS |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 | Hyperglot – a database and tools for discovering language support in fontsDavid Březina | CZECHIA |
15:00-15:30 | Towards a comprehensive definition of font engineeringRosalie Wagner | GERMANY |
15:30-16:00 | Exploring the beliefs and biases of scientists and designers when interpreting research findingsAnn Bessemans | BELGIUM, Mary Dyson | UK |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-17:00 | A framework for type revivalsRiccardo Olocco, Michele Patanè, Gerry Leonidas | UK |
17:00-17:30 | Phonological experiments through history. The bridge between societal reading struggles and type designWalda Verbaenen, Ann Bessemans | BELGIUM |
17:30-18:00 | – |
18:30-19:30 | Opening KeynoteFacets of the Jewish printing tradition in Thessaloniki. Books and printersEvanghelos Hekimoglou | GREECE |
20:00 | WELCOME COCKTAIL and TOLERANCE poster exhibition opening | ΡΩ Art Space |
09:30-10:00 | Σχεδιασμός συσκευασίας και φύλο – Υπερβαίνοντας τα έμφυλα στερεοτυπικά στοιχεία στον σχεδιασμό της συσκευασίαςEleni Moschandreou, Elissavet Georgiadou | GREECE |
10:00-10:30 | Πρότυπα και αντί-πρότυπα στην ευφυή συσκευασία: Αλλάζοντας τα στερεότυπα μέσα από την τέχνηKyriaki Varvalouka, Vasiliki Sarakatsianou, Rossetos Metzitakos | GREECE |
10:30-11:00 | Ιστορίες για τις γραφικές απεικονίσεις στατιστικών δεδομένωνEleni Martini | GREECE |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 | Επικοινωνία σε αστικά περιβάλλοντα: έργα γραφιστικής, κινητές εγκαταστάσεις και ουτοπικές ανακατασκευές στο δημόσιο χώρο της πόληςApostolos Kordas, Sofia Strati | GREECE |
12:00-12:30 | Χάρτης επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας για την πολιτιστική προβολή της πόλης της ΚομοτηνήςIrene Pitatzi, Elissavet Georgiadou | GREECE |
12:30-13:00 | Branding και οπτική ταυτότητα ενός διεθνούς συνεδρίουAngeliki Athanasiadi | CYPRUS |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 | Πριν το «τυπωθήτω». Αρχεία για την τυπογραφία και την οπτική επικοινωνία στο Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό και Ιστορικό Αρχείο και η περίπτωση του αρχείου του Κάρολου ΤσίζεκYorgos Koumaridis | GREECE |
15:00-15:30 | Μήπως δεν έχουμε τελειώσει με το παρελθόν; Ιχνηλατώντας τις απαρχές της γραφιστικής στην Ελλάδα (τέλη 19ου–αρχές 20ού αιώνα)Niki Sioki | CYPRUS |
15:30-16:00 | Η ανανέωση του ελληνικού εικονογραφημένου βιβλίου κατά τη μεταπολιτευτική περίοδο της ΕλλάδαςIoanna Delfino | GREECE |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-17:00 | Γραμματοσειρές κειμένου στις ελληνικές εκδόσεις από το 1980 έως σήμερα. Στατιστική ανάλυση και ποιοτικά συμπεράσματα από μία δειγματοληπτική καταγραφήGeorge Triantafyllakos | GREECE |
17:00-17:30 | MetatrashEvangelos Kassavetis | GREECE |
17:30-18:00 | Το τέλος του γραφιστικού σχεδιασμούVangelis Hatzitheodorou | GREECE |
18:30-19:30 in Hall – 1 | Opening KeynoteEvanghelos Hekimoglou | GREECE |
20:00 | WELCOME COCKTAIL and TOLERANCE Poster exhibition opening | ΡΩ Art Space |
09:30-10:00 | Quality criteria for typographic design and editorial production of school textbooksEvangelos Syrigos, Yannis Skarpelos | GREECE, Evripides Zantides | CYPRUS |
10:00-10:30 | Digital visual communication of Greek trade publishersChristos Mais, Panagiotis Kapos | GREECE |
10:30-11:00 | The current landscape of Greek typographic design: A study on the work and views of Greek designers and academicsPanagiota Sakellariou, Elissavet Georgiadou | GREECE |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 | Non legitur, Graecum estIrene Vlachou | GREECE, Matthieu Cortat-Roller | SWITZERLAND |
12:00-12:30 | What’s in a name? The Elzevir vs Times Greek conundrumGeorgios Matthiopoulos | GREECE |
12:30-13:00 | Antigone’s adventures in Greece and RussiaAlexandra Korolkova | RUSSIA |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 | Between rupture and the promise of suture: the role of publishing in the politics of repatriation. The claims of the Greek political refugees in Pyrsos magazine, 1961-1968Mary Ikoniadou | UK |
15:00-15:30 | Forbidden typography from a ghost townPenelope Philotheou | CYPRUS |
15:30-16:00 | Fake novelties? Product labels and other curiositiesArtemis Yagou | GERMANY |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-18:00 | Thessaloniki Graphic Design and Politics | in GreekNo Politica screening and discussion with the filmmakers and participantsNikos Giuris, Giorgos Ikonomou [filmmakers] and Vangelis Liakos (Beetroot Design Group), Angelos Bakas, Dimitris Papazoglou (DpS Athens), Pericles Pilides (Pilides Advertising) [participants] |
20:00 | Druckmaschinenmusik, The Event | Printing Shop Asterios Ch. Goussios |
09:30-10:00 | Leveraging Singaporean food culture as a creative catalyst for typeface designLisa Winstanley, Hairul Latiff | SINGAPORE |
10:00-10:30 | The Good, the bad and the ugly of Logotype or how to design with negative space in mind!Ralph Kenke | AUSTRALIA |
10:30-11:00 | The Red Wok: A visual analysis of European Chinatown restaurant signage that contributes to their gastronomic identityKok Cheow Yeoh | USA |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 | World Typography Map projectNace Pušnik | SLOVENIA, Jeff Pulaski, Irma Puškarević | USA |
12:00-12:30 | Hong Kong Graphic Archive: Connecting the past and the presentKaman Ka Man Tsang, Keith Tam | HONG KONG |
12:30-13:00 | George Simonis Archive / Cyprus’ “two cents” on graphic designOmiros Panayides | CYPRUS |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 | Auriol before and after the Great WarCraig Eliason | USA |
15:00-15:30 | Typo Belgiëque: reviving typefaces of undiscovered Belgian typefoundriesJo De Baerdemaeker | BELGIUM |
15:30-16:00 | Writing the ending: the disintegration of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and the politics of language and scriptJohn Hudson | CANADA |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-17:00 | The Kaminaria ledger: an uknown Karamanlidika sourceStelios Irakleous | CYPRUS |
17:00-17:30 | Turkish Alphabet Reform as a disruption in public life: typographic transformation of urban spacesDilek Nur Polat Ünsür | TURKEY |
17:30-18:00 | Towards a research framework for the South Slavic typographic heritageIrma Puskarevic, Gerry Leonidas | UK |
16:30-18:00 in Hall – 1 | Thessaloniki Graphic Design and Politics | in Greek |
20:00 | Druckmaschinenmusik, The Event | Printing Shop Asterios Ch. Goussios |
09:30-10:00 | A new perspective on the history and (experimental research) practices of index-typographyJanneke Johanna Janssen, Ann Bessemans | BELGIUM |
10:00-10:30 | Pictograms for patients: two case studiesKarel van der Waarde | BELGIUM |
10:30-11:00 | Visual communication in a time of crisis: Insights into the relationship between visual communication and healthVictoria Squire | UK |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 | The design of paragraphs: Contextual indent paragraph settingFraser Muggeridge | UK |
12:00-12:30 | Reading direction vs reading time in road signage design policies. TARRA-GONA a case study.Elena Bartomeu Magaña | SPAIN |
12:30-13:00 | Typography to bring auditory cues to readers that cannot hear to improve their comprehensionAnn Bessemans | BELGIUM, María Pérez Mena | SPAIN |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 | Looking at women. Female representation in Charles Mozley’s workCătălina Zlotea | UK |
15:00-15:30 | Designing for posterity: The printed book as cultural guardianMaria Nicholas | USA |
15:30-16:00 | A passion for symbols: tracing the inspirations behind the design and production of Henry Dreyfuss’ Symbol SourcebookSue Perks | UK |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-18:00 in Hall – 1 | Thessaloniki Graphic Design and Politics | in Greek |
20:00 | Druckmaschinenmusik, The Event | Printing Shop Asterios Ch. Goussios |
09:30-10:00 |
Visual communication of images on Croatian news portals during the Covid-19 crisisJosipa Selthofer, Martina Bembić Sergo | CROATIA |
10:00-10:30 |
Maps of un-obvious Disruptions. The transition of a project through the pandemic using new research spaces and digital outcomes to see beyond the obviousSayali Milind Phadke | INDIA |
10:30-11:00 |
A comparative study on online health poster campaigns during the pandemic launched in China and the NetherlandsLiuchuan Wang | CHINA |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 |
“The sign is mine”: democratising design in times of disruptionJosefina Bravo | UK, Sol Kawage | ITALY |
12:00-12:30 |
Isotype debated: two researchers on its influence on pictogram and icon developmentWibo Bakker | CHINA, Sue Perks | UK |
12:30-13:00 |
Icons and symbols in the time of Pandemic: From concrete to abstractChrysoula Gatsou, Evangelia Pavlaki | GREECE |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 |
Climate Design Activism: Lessons from environmental pioneers of the late 60s and 70sMaria Bohannon | USA |
15:00-15:30 |
Freeing Liberty through information designEmily Allbon, Rachel Warner | UK |
15:30-16:00 |
Grabbing COVID by the horns: Finding inspiration during the pandemic lockdownLeila Hernandez | USA |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-17:00 |
– |
17:00-17:30 |
– |
18:00-19:00 |
Keynote8th ICTVC Closing speechNeville Brody | UK |
20:30 | 8th ICTVC “Let’s talk about it over dinner” | Registered delegates |
09:30-10:00 |
The “Sappho 2.0” exhibition. Converting a physical exhibition design concept into digitalAnastasia Chourmouziadi, Elisavet Kelidou | GREECE |
10:00-10:30 |
Error is the new Culture. Visual and textual triggers, create new meanings!Costas Mantzalos | CYPRUS |
10:30-11:00 |
Sunny Side Up: A “lockdown” stop motion animation filmPaschalis Paschalis, Marios Adonis | CYPRUS |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30-12:00 |
Double Disruption: The typographic library through a pandemic renovationAmelia Fontanel, Shani Avni | USA |
12:00-12:30 |
The Pandemic Effect: Challenges of teaching the invisible studentMandar Rane, Purba Joshi, Avinash Shende | INDIA |
12:30-13:00 |
Preserving the non-obvious: an archive of the digital infrastructure of visual communicationAlexios Zavras | GERMANY |
13:00-14:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:30-15:00 |
Re-looking at Devanagari shorthand with aesthetic functionalityVaijayanti Ajinkya | INDIA |
15:00-15:30 |
Καλύτερες “επικοινωνιακές” ιδέες, καλύτερος κόσμος!Eteoklis Papanastasiou | CYPRUS |
15:30-16:00 |
Back to Vkhutemas and Bauhaus? Some thoughts on future designPavel Pisklakov | Russia |
16:00-16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30-17:00 |
Greetings from pandemic islandViktor Koen | USA |
17:00-17:30 | – |
18:00-19:00 in Hall – 1 |
Closing KeynoteNeville Brody | UK |
20:30 | 8th ICTVC “Let’s talk about it over dinner” | Registered delegates |
09:00-17:50 |
Print-Media Science and Technology in the modern era |
08:15-08:45 |
Registration |
09:00-09:20 |
Welcome | The Print-media science and technology in the modern era. Trends and evolutionProf. Dr Anastasios E. Politis, IC – The International Circle of Educational Institutes of Graphic-Media Technology Management |
SESSION 1 | Printing Science in Publishing and Arts | Chair: Anastasios E. Politis |
09:20-09:40 |
Innovative methodology to retrieve old printing techniques. Case study: the old postcards of early 20th century in GreeceVasiliki Kokla, Chrysoula Gatsou | GREECE |
09:40-10:00 |
Modern Gutenberg protecting the Art. From the revolution of knowledge to modern GutenbergGeorgios Papadimitriou, Eirini Pavlou, Michail Manonas, Christos Argyriou-Saragias, Antonios Tsigonias, Marios Tsigonias | GREECE |
10:00-10:20 |
The third dimension of the pageAntigoni Karamani, Efrosini Manou, Marianthi Koliomarou, Athanasios Papakonstantinou, Maria Bekiari | GREECE |
10:20-10:40 |
Challenges and strategies in teaching a Graphic Design foundation course during Covid-19Timothy Kagiri, Bhairavi Warke, Gabriel Juliano, Kenneth Zupan, Diane Gromala | CANADA |
10:40-11:00 |
The imageability of cities through the integration of public artPhilippa Athymaritou | GREECE, Evangelia Pavlaki | UK |
11:00-11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
SESSION 2 | Innovation in Printing Technologies | Chair: Marios Tsigonias |
11:30-11:50 |
The impact of new digital technologies on modern graphic artsGerasimos Vonitsanos, Eirini Pavlou, Anastasios E. Politis | GREECE |
11:50-12:10 |
Colorimetric analysis and light fastness of coatings based on acrylate resins on AA1050 aluminium alloysStamatina Theohari | GREECE, Sanja Mahović Poljaček, Tamara Tomašegović | CROATIA, A. Stefanis, E. Ntaflou | GREECE |
12:10-12:30 |
The importance of data analysis in the modern era of print productionChristos Trochoutsos, Yannis Sofias, Anastasios E. Politis | GREECE |
12:30-12:50 |
Multicolor printing. The originsChristos Koutrouditsos, Antonios Tsigonias, Georgios Gamprellis, Maria Gialouri, Anastasios E. Politis | GREECE |
SESSION 3 | Print Management Innovation |
12:50-13:10 |
Screen printing vs digital printing. A comparative analysis of advantagesPotis Papadakos, Thomais Salogianni | GREECE |
13:10-14:50 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:50-15:10 |
Active organizations for Corporate Social Responsibility practicesThomais Salogianni, Anastasios E. Politis| GREECE |
15:10-15:30 |
Quality Assurance parameters in prepressMarianthi Koliomarou, Athanasios Papakonstantinou, Antigoni Karamani | GREECE |
SESSION 4 | Typography and Design for Print | Chair: Chrysoula Gatsou |
15:30-15:50 |
The use of image and text in children’s campaign for claiming public spacePhilippa Athymaritou | GREECE |
15:50-16:10 |
The use of graphic arts technologies in scenographyCharalampos N. Sepentzis | GREECE |
16:10-16:30 |
Typographische Gestalt: The modular letterform device / Mechanism of the letterAthanasios K. Papakonstantinou | GREECE |
16:30-17:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
17:00-17:20 |
Greek banknotes with name and surname between 1954 and 2002. The creator of the initial designAnastasia Pesmatzoglou | GREECE |
17:20-17:40 |
Complexity, simplicity, decorativeness. From expressive-experimental to invisible typography and functional new media designEvangelos Syrigos, Chrysoula Gatsou | GREECE |
17:40-18:30 |
Discussion |
18:30-19:00 |
Conclusions and Closing of the Scientific Event |
ICTVC 8 · Thessaloniki, Greece · 5 — 9 July 2022
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